Imindmap ultimate 4.1.2
Imindmap ultimate 4.1.2

imindmap ultimate 4.1.2

I doubt that there are many people expert in mind mapping who would disagree with me that iMindMap is the most feature-laden of the more than 100 programs for mind mapping to be found all over the Internet.


The program remains the best one for mind mapping and the updates made from Version 10 to 11 are significant and worth the upgrade price. As a brief note, Version 11 includes a number of enhancements. I will have a full review posted within a week or two. At this time (7-1-18) I have been using the program for about two months. NOTE: Version 11 OF iMindMap was released the first week of May 2018. Huba’s Review of the iMindMap 10 Program for Mind Mapping

imindmap ultimate 4.1.2 imindmap ultimate 4.1.2

What’s you excuse for not spending an hour reviewing them? My methods are useful with my dementia, but most also apply to - with a few adaptations - many other physical and mental diseases. There are many, many, many examples of the use of the methods on the blog site. You should consult your own health care providers if you wish to try this for yourself or a person under your care. No one should assume that because I believe that the method has proven effective for me that it will be effective for them. Through my blog posts and their observations, usefulness to others, and my medical path, I’ve demonstrated that the technique can by used at least for one person on this planet daily and with results shown on the Internet for all to see. The blog site now contains more than 1,000 mind maps and more than 700 posts. It is now about 4 1/2 years since I first posted a mind map on my blog site. And I mean time defined as “productive, predicted remaining life span.”īut I did have a willing participant with dementia (me) and a huge audience on social media. But I had no resources to run a clinical trial and even more importantly, no time and energy. Yes, a big “clinical trial” is the right way to make such a test.


Social, health, political imagery through the lens of G J Huba PhD © 2012-2021 Archive for “Proving” That a Person with Dementia Can Use Mind Mapping to Improve LifeĪ few years ago I set out - as I have discussed in this blog many times - to “prove” that a person with dementia can use mind mapping in numerous ways to improve the quality of life.

Imindmap ultimate 4.1.2